We prepare for whale watching in Boca Chica, Panama, the most anticipated season for all sea lovers, which usually begins in the middle of July until the end of October. These huge creatures begin their journey from the Northern and Southern Hemisphere to our country, to have their babies and reproduce.
¿Dónde se pueden ver las ballenas jorobadas?
Some places where humpback whales can be seen are the province of Herrera, Los Santos, Veraguas and Chiriqui (Gulf of Chiriqui, Boca Chica). These giants of the sea choose these areas due to the marine currents that occur in them.
Our warm waters become the place chosen by the humpback whales to give birth and raise their little ones, preparing them for a long trip to Antarctica. Adult males measure between 12 and 14 meters, being somewhat smaller than females. An adult humpback whale can measure between 15 and 18 meters and can live up to more than 50 years. Its weight ranges between 25 and 40 tons.
What do the humpback whales feed on?
Humpback whales feed on krill, small shrimp-like crustaceans and several types of small fish such as herring and mackerel. Each whale devours about 1,500 kilos of food per day that filters from the water it ingests thanks to its 400 overlapping plates or beards hanging from each side of the upper jaw. These plates, like those of all barbel whales, are formed by keratin. These fringes, black, reach 76 cm in length. During feeding, humpback whales swallow large volumes of water that they can maintain thanks to the folds of their throat and, after expelling it, they catch the krill and small fish to eat them.
If you are or travel to Chiriqui, you can contact us for a whale watching in Boca Chica and we will help you coordinate your trip. We must emphasize that Panama is a country that promotes the creation of whale sanctuaries and in which respect for marine species, and above all, those that are in danger of extinction, is highly valued. In addition, the whale watching season is used to raise awareness of the needs of cetaceans and promote the dissemination of information for their conservation.
We must follow and practice some rules to make a whale watching responsible, that respects the environment. The first is to not approach less than 200 meters to avoid altering their behavior, not chasing the animal, diving or swimming with them, not throwing garbage or waste substances into the sea and leaving the spaces we occupy clean. In this way, we will be contributing to the conservation and reproduction of these wonderful creatures.
Interesting facts about whale watching in Boca Chica
Algunas cosas que tal vez no sabías sobre las ballenas jorobadas:
• En el cuerpo de la ballena se alojan pequeños crustáceos conocidos como percebes que le dan al cetáceo una apariencia barbada.
• Las ballenas jorobadas realizan largas migraciones dos veces al año. Viajan a las frías aguas polares en el verano para alimentarse y regresan a las cálidas aguas tropicales en invierno para reproducirse.
• La canción de una ballena jorobada puede ser oída a 20km de distancia.
• El soplido de una ballena jorobada puede llegar a los 6m de altura y se puede oír a más de 245 metros de distancia.
• Cuando se preparan para realizar un buceo profundo, las ballenas jorobadas arquean sus espaldas luciendo una pequeña joroba, de ahí su nombre común.
• El corazón de una ballena jorobada puede pesar hasta 200 kg, el equivalente a 3 hombres adultos.